むさしの耳鼻科Musashino ENT  矢野医院Yano Clinic

むさしの耳鼻科Musahino ENT

TEL. 0422-52-3932

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

開始直後は込み合います。昼時(12時ごろ)・夕飯時(18時ごろ)は比較的待ち時間は短いです。ただし、花粉の飛ぶ頃、2月3月、特に土曜日は混み合います。ご了承の上、お越しください。 Immediately after opening, it will be crowded. During noon (around 12:00) and evening (around 18:00), the waiting time is relatively short. However, during the pollen season, it will get during February and March. Especially on Saturdays. Please take this into account before you visit us.


Musashino Otorhinology does not prescribe any brand-name drugs. Instead, we prescribe generic drugs with an emphasis on the ingredients.

You can freely choose which brand you would like to use. (Please consult with your pharmacist. Take your prescription to the pharmacy and let them know that this is a “generic description”)

38度以上の熱のある方は、あらかじめ、電話連絡をお願いいたします。混雑状況を見て、お越しいただく時間を相談いたします。受付の後、車でおいでの際は車の中、あるいは別室でお待ちいただくこともあります。 If you have a fever of 38 degrees or higher, please contact us by phone in advance. We will take the number of patients into account and arrange a safe time to visit us. If you travel by car, you may have to wait in the car or in a separate room.

下のカードなどが使えます You can use the cards below:

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