むさしの耳鼻科Musashino ENT  矢野医院Yano Clinic

むさしの耳鼻科Musahino ENT

TEL. 0422-52-3932

初めての方へ First Time Visit

▶ 予約制ではありません
▶ 保険証をお持ちください
▶ 医療証(お持ちの方のみ)
▶ お薬手帳など、いま飲んでいる薬がわかるものをご用意ください
▶ アレルギー検査のデータ(お持ちの方)
▶ お子様の体重をはかってきてください(体重別に薬を処方する場合があります)
▶ 書類作成の為、遅くとも終了の15分前にはお越しください
▶ You don’t have to reserve an appointment
Before the consultation, please go to the reception first
▶ Please bring your insurance card
▶ Please bring your medical certificate (for those who have it)
▶ Please prepare a document that states which medicine you are currently taking (such as a medicine notebook)
▶ Allergy test data (for those who have it)
Test data performed at other clinics is also okay.
▶ Please weigh your child (medicines may be prescribed according to weight)
▶ Please come at least 15 minutes before the actual appointment to prepare the documents

お忘れなく Don't forget

▶ 保険証
▶ 医療証(お持ちの方のみ)
▶ お薬手帳など
▶ アレルギー検査のデータ
▶ アレルギー検査のデータ(お持ちの方)
▶ お子様の体重をはかってきてください
▶ 書類作成の為、遅くとも終了の15分前にはお越しください
▶ Insurance card
▶ Medical certificate (only for those who have it)
▶ Medicine notebook etc
If you are currently taking medicine prescribed by another doctor, make sure you know the name of the medicine.
▶ Allergy test data
Results of tests performed at other hospitals
▶ Please weigh your child
Medicines may be prescribed according to weight.
▶ Please come at least 15 minutes before the end to prepare the documents

高熱の場合は? What if you have a high fever?

38度以上の熱のある方は、あらかじめ、電話連絡をお願いいたします。 混雑状況を見て、お越しいただく時間を相談いたします。受付の後、 車でおいでの際は車の中、あるいは別室でお待ちいただくこともあります。 If you have a fever of 38 degrees or higher, please contact us by phone in advance. We will take the number of patients into account and arrange a safe time to visit us. If you travel by car, you may have to wait in the car or in a separate room.

Copyright© むさしの耳鼻科 Musashino E.N.T.