むさしの耳鼻科Musashino ENT  矢野医院Yano Clinic

むさしの耳鼻科Musahino ENT

TEL. 0422-52-3932

利用可能な治療 Available Treatment


▶ 耳が痛い
▶ 聞こえが悪くなった
▶ 耳あかが取れない
▶ 耳に違和感がある
▶ 補聴器の相談
▶ 耳鳴りがする
▶ めまいがする
▶ 飛行機の離着陸時に耳が痛くなる
▶ Ear pain
▶ Hearing impairment
▶ Earwax blockage
▶ Strange feeling in the ears
▶ Hearing aid consultation
▶ Tinnitus
▶ Feeling of dizziness
▶ Ear pressure


▶ 鼻がでる
▶ 鼻がつまる
▶ においがしない(嗅覚障害)
▶ アレルギー性鼻炎
▶ 異物を鼻に詰めた
詰めた異物と同じものがあれば、持ってきてください。 形状や材質など、治療の参考になります。 ▶ Runny nose
▶ Clogged nose
▶ Loss of smell (dysosmia)
▶ Allergic rhinitis
▶ Foreign object stuck in nose
If you find a similar foreign object like the one in your nose, please bring it with you. It will be a reference for treatment such as shape and material.


▶ のどが痛い
▶ 声がかれた
▶ のどの違和感
▶ 魚の骨がささった
ご飯を丸飲みなど、民間療法は決してしないで、食事はせず、 直ぐに来院下さい
▶ 口内炎ができた
▶ 舌に違和感がある
▶ Hurting of the throat
▶ Rough voice
▶ Discomfort in the throat
▶ Swallowing of Fish bones
Never take folk remedies such as drinking whole rice, do not eat, and come to the hospital immediately.
▶ Stomatitis
▶ Strange feeling of the tongue


▶ めまい
▶ 花粉症
▶ 味がしない(味覚障害)
▶ インフルエンザワクチン接種
あらかじめ、電話などで相談の上、接種日を決定します。 接種希望の方はまず、ご連絡ください
▶ インフルエンザウイルス検査
▶ Dizziness
▶ Hay fever
▶ Loss of taste (dysgeusia)
▶ Influenza vaccination
Those who wish to get vaccinated, please contact us in advance. The date of vaccination will be decided after a consultation over the phone in advance.
▶ Influenza virus test

Copyright© むさしの耳鼻科 Musashino E.N.T.